Monday, November 19, 2007

Plan Now for a Profitable 2008

The year is almost over. Are you ready to experience a great 2008 in your virtual assistant business?

Setting goals and planning how to achieve them is essential to the growth and success of your business. In fact, it’s impossible to be successful without them. Your goals define success for your business and give you a plan you can follow to achieve that success.

If you haven’t set goals before, planning all your business activities for the year ahead can feel intimidating. You may wonder how you can possibly know today what you should be doing a full year from now.

Below, you’ll find an easy way to set goals for the upcoming year and learn how to make a plan to achieve those goals.

Goals should be SMART

Before you begin your own goal-setting, remember that good goals are SMART. There are a few variations of what the acronym SMART stands for, but here is the definition I use:

S – Specific
M – Measurable
A - Attainable
R – Realistic
T – Time bound (completed by a set time)

Any goal you set should have these qualities.

List your goals

First of all, envision what your virtual assistant business will look like by the end of the next several months. What will you have achieved?

Write down everything you want to accomplish by the end of the year. Make sure every goal you write is SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound).

This list can include anything you want to achieve, such as how much money you want to make per month by next December, how many articles you want to write, how many new clients you will have, which projects you want to have completed, etc.

Make a chart for the year

Next, divide the upcoming year into quarters (January to March, April to June, July to September and October to December) and make a chart for each quarter.

Give each chart five columns with headings that read something like this:

Goal – In this column you will write your specific goal

Measurement – How the goal will be measured

Steps – Here you will list the exact steps you need to take to achieve this goal

Date for completion – Date by which you will have reached your goal

Date completed – The actual date you reach your goal

Charting your goals

Now, return to your list of goals. For every goal on your list:

A. Decide in which quarter you will complete the goal. Write the goal down on the appropriate chart in the “Goal” column.

B. In the "Measurement" column, describe how you’ll measure the goal. Ask yourself, “How will I know when I’ve reached my goal?” For example, one my goals is to write a book about article marketing for small business. I will know I’ve reached my goal when the book is published.

C. Under “Steps,” list the steps you need to take to complete the goal. When Ruth and I set our goals for 2008, one of my business partner's goals was to put an audio recording of a story on her website. The steps she needs to take to complete that goal look something like this:

1. Write story to be recorded
2. Rehearse reading story aloud
3. Record story
4. E-mail recording to Denise to publish on website

While you're listing the steps that lead toward your goal, you might realize you don't know all the steps involved in reaching a certain goal, or that you lack information you need to complete a goal. In that case, consider adding a relevant course or reading a book on the subject to your list of goals.

D. Finally, choose a completion date for the goal and write it down in the appropriate column. Remember to be realistic in setting a completion date. It needs to be attainable or you’ll become frustrated and achieve nothing instead.

Managing Larger Goals

After writing out the steps to your goal, you may discover that a large goal, such as making a certain monthly income by next December, requires that several smaller goals are met first, such as building a bigger subscriber list, offering more products, getting more website traffic, etc. Add any additional goals you discover to your chart where appropriate.

Putting Your Plan into Action

When you’ve followed these steps for each goal, you will have set your goals for
2008 and planned how you will achieve each one of them by the end of the year.

But, even the best plan won’t help you if you don’t take action.

To keep you on track, you may want to plan your year in more detail and break your goals down further into monthly, weekly, or even daily goals, depending on how you like to work. For example, if I want to write 100 articles by the end of next year, I can break that down to the goal of writing 2 articles a week, or writing one article every three days.

Review your goals regularly throughout the year. Make sure your current goals are still desirable, and add new ones if necessary

Follow the plan you’ve just set and you’re on the way to a profitable and happy new year.

Ad Swap Magic

Here is a little used technique you can implement to build your mailing list for no additional cost. I call it “using subscribers to make subscribers, ” similar to “using money to make money”.

This simple list building formula can be summed up in two words: ad swap.

Generally, you trade advertisements with other eZine publishers, preferably of the same mailing list size or bigger. You broadcast the eZine publisher’s advertisement to your mailing list while the eZine publisher endorses your ad to his list. Yes, you are actually cross endorsing or cross promoting each others offer to each of your mailing list.

Your advertisement’s goal should be to get as many subscribers possible from the other eZine publisher’s mailing list to sign up for yours.

The result: you grow your mailing list. This method does not require money, which means it can be done for free. And the return of subscribers? Infinite!

You only have to do this with one eZine publisher at least once, because his subscribers who are also your subscribers can now be followed up within the boundaries of your mailing list.

Perform ad swaps with as many eZine publishers as possible and soon, you will have a huge mailing list of your own – built free.

Converting Every Visitor into Subscriber

If a person visits your website and leaves, chances are that he or she will not come back, especially if there are no compelling reasons to do so. After all, we all behave rather impulsively on the Internet, so much so that we can easily forget where we were 10 web pages ago.

But the bottom line is that your visitor may not come back to your website again. If 1,000 visitors visit your website, leave and never come back again, you can imagine the amount of potential revenue lost, simply because they do not come back.

Some may say that creating unique content can keep some of the visitors coming back, but very often, unique content is not the solution. The real, long-term solution lies in converting your visitors into subscribers of your mailing list.

Before your visitor leaves your website, you want to convert him or her into your subscriber via a simple opt-in to your mailing list. You do this by asking for your visitor’s name and email address through your opt-in form.

And if your visitor signs up to be on your mailing list, you can still follow up with him via email. You can get your subscriber to consider your services, or endorse another offer to him or her.

All in all, you want to convert as many visitors into subscribers as possible and obtain the potential clients you rightfully deserve – the easy, wise way.

Using Free Reports to Build Your List

Aside from pre-selling your virtual assistant services and products, one other reason to create your free report should be to build your mailing list.

If you cannot convert the reader into a ready client, you should attempt to convert him or her into your subscriber. When your reader becomes a subscriber, you can follow up with your reader on future offers and have a chance at converting him or her into your client... preferably a lifelong client.

Offer a lifetime update to your report or a unique notification list your reader will be interested in subscribing to, which leads to having him or her subscribed to your mailing list.

To be successful though, your report must be of good quality and contain useful information. If your readers find your information worth sharing, and you encourage them to do so by giving them the right to give your report away for free, you will be able to have your name, status and links within the report passed around without any effort on your part – simply because others are willing to do so for you!

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