Friday, May 30, 2008

How to Convince Potential Clients They NEED Your Virtual Assistance

It's a common complaint among Virtual Assistants who are trying to break into a new target market:

"I know they need my help, but how can I convince THEM?"

There's another word for that. It's called "marketing." And it doesn't have to be scary, or hard.

I like to think of marketing as "educating" my target market. They don't know they need you because they haven't learned how much better their lives would be with you around.

Here are some easy ways to convince your target market that they're lost without you. Or at least, that you could make their lives a whole lot simpler.

1. Case Studies. Write up real-life examples of how you, or other VAs, have helped businesses like theirs. Be specific. Describe what the business was like before and after. Use real numbers (i.e. money saved, hours saved). Then post the case-studies on your website, in your marketing materials, or even in your newsletter.

2. Be the Expert. Achieve expert status with your target market by writing reports and articles they WANT to read. Here is an article that explains exactly how to do that, and why it helps.

3. Give Them a Second Opinion. Sometimes it can help to show your target market you're not the only one thinking they'd be better of with your help. It's OK to give them information written by another author, as long as it's written for your target market AND makes your own position stronger.

Here are some informational articles that might help you convince potential clients that they really do need you after all. These are reprint articles, so you can publish them on your website, newsletter, or marketing materials as long as you include the author's resource box. If you publish them online, please also include an active link to the author's resource box.

Delegating - How to Leverage Other People's Skills for Maximum Return

I'm a Work at Home Mom; Do I Need a Virtual Assistant?

The Benefits to Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses to Outsource to a Virtual Office or Assistant

Increase Your Bottom Line by Hiring Help

Your Write Assistant

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How to Turn a Potential Problem into a Happy Customer

Anytime someone complains about your service, did you know that's a perfect opportunity to create a happy customer?

If you haven't thought of it that way before, imagine just for a moment.

How do you feel when you don't like how your project is being handled? Or when a service you paid good money for isn't delivered?

You would probably talk to the service provider about your concerns. Depending how frustrated you are, you might even threaten not to pay, or take your business elsewhere.

Let's pretend your service provider immediately apologizes and even thanks you for bringing your concerns to their attention. They had no idea you were so unhappy! Then, they go out of their way to make things right for you.

So, how do you feel NOW?

If you're anything like me, you're probably a pretty happy customer! You would also remember that this business actually cares about your business. You may even have a stronger relationship with them than before.

The next time a customer or client complains (so long as the complaint is not unreasonable), just think of them as a future happy customer in disguise.

Your Write Assistant

Virtual Assistants: 4 Ways to Get More Clients Today!

If you're a Virtual Assistant, you know that the one thing that is your lifeblood, the one thing that keeps your income steady, is finding clients. Luckily, there are several ways to keep a steady stream of clients coming in through your door.

Here are just a few:

1. Advertise in Ezines. There are online newsletters everywhere that accept advertising. The key here is to purchase advertising in publications that reach your target market and to create your ad to showcase your expertise. Don't try to be everything to everyone or you won't attract clients.

Ad Example of what Not to Do: Hire me to lighten your workload. I can do everything that you don't want to do. Let's talk!

Ad Example of what works: Are you ready to get more leads to your business? I will handle your ezine advertising campaign for you. No more searching for targeted ezines, no more writing and tracking your ads. I'll handle it all it all. My clients experience a boost in subscribers after I complete my ezine advertising campaigns that will pay for my services. Check out my website for testimonials and free tips.

2. Write and Submit Articles. The key here is to stay on topic. Don't write and submit articles about health or pet care. Present a problem in your article and solve it. Make sure your author bio is very compelling to attract potential clients.

3. Network where *successful* people hang out. A huge mistake that VA's make is to hang out on forums where there are other people struggling to make money. Instead, join a membership site for your target market and you'll find yourself in the "inner circle."

4. Advertise at One of the easiest ways to get your name in front of business owners looking for help is to advertise on Again, it is crucial that you list your specialty in order to stand out from the other providers. But, if you can find a problem that business owners face, and offer to handle it for them, you'll attract loyal clients who will continue to work with you.

Your Write Assistant

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Finding Local Clients for Your Virtual Assistant Business

I mentioned that finding local clients for your Virtual Assistant business is sometimes easier than finding them online. Here are a few ways you can find local clients for your Virtual Assistant business.

  • Use decals that promote your business on your car
  • Get a premium listing in your local phone book
  • Post your services to Craig's list
  • Does your city have a Welcome Wagon for new businesses? See if you can include your business information or a promo item.
  • Run an ad in your local newspaper.
  • Propose your services to real estate agents, law firms, financial services and other small businesses in your area.

Your Write Assistant

How to Handle Local Clients for Your Virtual Assistant Business

I have mixed feelings about working with local clients. There are a few pluses...

With local clients, I don't have to always be virtual. Honestly, it is nice to get out and meet people face to face once in a while.

In some ways, local clients are easier to find. I can go to a local networking group or look up potential clients in the Yellow Pages.

A lot of home business owners aren't comfortable with the "virtual" concept, and prefer to work with someone they can meet with in person.

On the other hand, them not being comfortable with a virtual assistant can be a drawback.

They may have unrealistic expectations of how you work, and might even ask you to drop off a project in person, or come by and do some work in their office, instead of your own.

If you do accept local clients, make it clear to them how you work. If they want to meet with you, or want you to drop off some work in person, it's OK to add travel costs to their bill. In fact, that should even be part of the contract you have them sign, so they'll know that upfront - and that will hopefully deter them from even asking.

Most importantly, set guidelines that apply to all clients, whether they live 5 minutes away, or in Timbuktu.

Remind them that you are a Virtual Assistant, therefore you work virtually. Let them know that your work will be transmitted electronically, by courier, by fax or by mail so they don't abuse your locality.

Your Write Assistant

Stationery Templates for Virtual Assistants

Today I'm writing a letter to some of my subcontractors, and admiring how professional my letterhead looks.

I feel OK bragging about it because I didn't create it. ;) I also didn't pay a whole lot for it.

When I purchased the Virtual Business Startup System three years ago, I got oodles of templates, INCLUDING templates for my letterhead and business cards.

To make my official letters look even more official, I print them out on my favorite high quality paper.

Your Write Assistant

Monday, May 26, 2008

Building Self-Confidence as a Virtual Assistant

I just wrote an article about the one thing you need to be a successful Virtual Assistant. Like most articles I write about virtual assisting, this one is based on my personal experience.

When I started out as a VA in 2004, I didn't have most of the experience or skills that new VAs supposedly need. What I did have, though, was a whole lot of determination to make this work. Thus, the article's conclusion.

One of the things most people will say a new VA needs is self-confidence. And I think that's true. In fact, to be a successful entrepreneur in ANY field, you need a whackload of self-confidence. The trouble is, though, when you're just starting out as a VA, self-confidence may be in short supply.

Self-confidence is built on past successes, and when you're new, you're not going to have a lot of those. In fact, many new VAs have left corporate positions where they weren't appreciated or fulfilled, and perhaps they can't look to that experience to bolster their self-confidence.

Well, that's what I was like when I began my virtual assisting career four years ago. I had been miserable in my corporate job. The person I reported to was a bully, and any opportunities to develop my skills and talents were closed. I realized the only way I could get what I wanted out of my career and my life was to take control and start my own business.

I had determination, but pathetically low self-confidence. In fact, I felt so beaten down, when my first VA client thanked me for doing a good job, I actually cried. (Thank goodness he thanked me in an email, otherwise that could have been really embarrassing!) I couldn't remember the last time anyone had said anything positive about my work, and his comment overwhelmed me. It also was an important first step to gaining self-confidence.

Over time, there were three things that helped me build self-confidence as a VA.

  1. Small successes, like my first client telling me he was happy with my work.
  2. Learning from other VAs. I joined the Virtual Assistant Networking Association. I didn't have a lot to contribute, but I was eager to learn. Like a sponge, I soaked up all the knowledge the other members had to share. For me, spending time at VANA was a large and significant part of learning how to be a VA, and with that knowledge came self-confidence.
  3. Going through the Virtual Business Startup System. I didn't have a lot of money to invest in VA training, and I prefer to learn independently anyways. The Virtual Business Startup System took me through all the steps of setting up a VA biz from start to finish. When I was done, I had a professional looking website, killer business plan, and was able to confidently market my new business. I felt confident because I knew I looked like the professional I was.
Your Write Assistant

Postdating Your Blog Posts in Blogger

Time was, if you wanted to postdate your blog posts and have them published automatically on the date you chose, you had to use blogging software other than Blogger.

About time Blogger clued in and created a way for us to do the same on its platform.

Now you can type your blog post whenever it's convenient, and Blogger will automatically publish it for you at the time you scheduled.

To schedule a post in Blogger:

  1. Type up your post like normal.
  2. Click the Post Options link at the bottom of your post.
  3. Put in the Post date and time that you choose.
  4. Click on Publish Post.

Your post will automatically be published at the time and the date you selected.
Your Write Assistant

Knowing Your Niche Means Sometimes Saying No

A few weeks ago, another business owner I've been eager to work with left me a voicemail.

Good news! He had taken on a new client and was hoping to outsource some of the work to me.

Finally. I've been dropping not-so-subtle hints to him about the possibility of us working together since 2004. So, I called him right back to find out what he had in mind.

The not so good news. :( Turned out he wanted me to install a web template and "pretty up" this new client's website.

If you've been reading this blog for any amount of time, you'll know that web designy thingies are not my thing.

Oh, in case you're wondering why someone who's known me since 2004 would even ASK me to help on a project like this, well, it's not his fault. It's because way back in '04 (and '05... and part of 06) I had the misguided notion that a good Virtual Assistant had to do virtually everything. Not true, and the world's been a better place for me (and everyone who knows me) since that realization came about.

Anyhoo, what was I supposed to do about this "dream client" of mine who had FINALLY called and wanted to send some work my way?

I did the only thing I could. I said, "Thank you very much, but no thank you."

Oh, I was very nice about it. I explained that I was trying to get away from that type of work and focus on what I was really good at - writing and editing. I even offered to refer him to someone else.

I was briefly worried that would be it for him ever wanting to work with me again. But, he has contacted me since then about other stuff, so I'm still on his radar. And hopefully one day he'll need to outsource something to a good writer and editor.
Your Write Assistant

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Are You a Real Professional? Here's the True Test

One of my writing clients from WAHM Articles recently thanked me for my professionalism while working on her project. I appreciated her feedback and I'm glad it was a positive experience for her, but her comment got me thinking about what "professionalism" really is.

Truth be told, it really isn't difficult at all to look like a pro when things are going good. Basically, all you need to do is reply to emails and voicemails in a courteous, timely fashion, and complete the job you're being paid to do in the time frame you agreed to.

(If any of that sounds like a stretch for you, it may be time to reconsider your suitability for a service-based business.)

Yes, looking like a pro is easy when everything runs smoothly. It's when the train goes off the rails that your professionalism is put to its true test.

Because, whether due to technical failure, human error, or maybe the planets are just misaligned, eventually something will go wrong while you're working on a client project. And it's how you conduct yourself when that something goes wrong that shows whether you truly are a pro, or not.

When things look like they're going to be derailed, the first thing you need to do is take a deep breah and tell yourself:

"I am a professional."

One little mistake, or even a big one, does not make that statement less true. To the contrary - this is the perfect time to show what a consummate professional you are.

Then pick up the phone or pull out the keyboard and tell your client what's going on. Update your client as soon as you know there may be a problem with the project. This keeps the lines of communication open between you and your client. Any client worth his or her salt will appreciate your honestly.

Apologize for anything you may have done that led to this problem, and for anything that's not your fault. Take responsibility, even if it's not directly your fault, or your fault at all. After all, the client paid YOU to get the job done. Apologizing isn't going to make you look bad. What makes you look bad is trying to put the blame on someone or something else.

Then tell the client what you will do to fix the problem. You may want to give your client some options here so he can choose the one that meets his needs best.

Finally, take action on the course you agreed on. Get the job done, and do everything you can to keep the client happy, WITHIN REASON. There will always be people who are never happy, no matter what you do. If you have one of those, simply do your best and let it go. It's usually not worth killing yourself to satisfy them.

That's it - the test of a true professional. Could YOU pass?

Your Write Assistant

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What to Do When Someone Steals Your Web Content

Has your online content ever been stolen? If it hasn't consider yourself lucky... and know what to do when it DOES happen.

Here's an article that explains the steps to take when you find that someone has stolen your hard work. Oh, and if you're wondering how you can know if your content has been stolen, Copyscape is a free tool that will let you know.

Here's the article.

Caught! What To Do About Content Stealers by S McIntyre

First and foremost anything you write, draw, paint and photograph is protected by copyright laws and it is known as intellectual property.

I think one time or another each of us have had something stolen from us. I, for one know I have had ad copies, blog post, contest ideas and even a portion of my home page's content stolen from me. Certainly it's not a good feeling and it's not a considered a compliment or flattery in any way, shape or form! It's pathetic and downright wrong on so many levels.

Do they think they can get away with it? Do they think it's okay? Just because it's on the Internet it doesn't mean it's a free-for-all. To understand copyright laws, visit

What can you do when you find your content taken without your permission?

When they steal an ad copy, ask them to remove it. Report it to the website administrator where you found your stolen work. Most administrators will not tolerate this kind of behaviour.

When they steal an article, let them know you are the original author and ask them to credit the work with your resource box or have them remove the plagiarized work immediately.

When they steal your website's content, notify them via email with a cease and desist order. You can Google for a sample of a cease and desist order letter. If they fail to respond or fail to remove the copied content within the timeframe you presented, contact their web hosting company and let them know of the situation. You can also contact their advertisers and let them know their ads are shown on a site containing copied/stolen content. If all fails, it's time to report the offending site to Google and other search engines.

To prove you are the owner of the stolen work start searching through Google and screen capture the results from a cached file. You can use screen capturing software or use the "Print Screen" key on your keyboard and then copy it to Paint.

Let it be known, people who resort to these tactics really don't belong online. Their lack of credibility and integrity will not get them far and they will fail.

S McIntyre owns Work At Home Space, a free work at home resource focusing on telecommuting companies, daily telecommute job leads, articles, business resources and other work at home related topics. You can also visit her blog Healthy Perspectives, featuring an array of health topics, nutrition, reicpes and fitness for maintaining an overall healthy and well-balanced lifestyle.

Article Source:

Your Write Assistant

My Adventures with Google Analytics

A few days ago, I noticed the stats for my article directory weren't displaying in cpanel. According to Awstats, I had exactly ZERO visitors, which I knew wasn't right, since article submissions and my Google AdSense earnings were booming!

So, I sent an email to my hosting company (who, by the way, is the BEST there is ). Anyways, Jodi from GoGreen quickly responded to my inquiry and told me she would check it out, but in the meantime, had I tried using Google Anaytics?

It was, she assured me, far superior to anything GoGreen offered with their hosting package (I told you they were awesome!). Plus, it was easy to use.

Now, when a tech person like Jodi tells me something is "easy to use," I usually respond with, "Uh huh," and look for someone I can outsource it to. I'm good with words, not with the mechanisms that make things run.

GoGreen got my Awstats problem fixed ASAP, but in the meantime I did check out Google Analytics. The complexity of Google Sitemaps kind of put me off of trying anything else new that Google came up with (if you're thinking, "But Google Sitemaps aren't complicated," you've got a clear picture of my technical comfort zone).

However, this time, the techie was right. Google Analytics really is easy to use. (And if I'm telling you that, you can know it's true!)

I've only had it up a few days, and I'm already seeing more detailed results than any other stats program I've tried. Try it out for yourself here.

Your Write Assistant

Why You Shouldn't Buy Your Mailing List

So, I'm still a little annoyed at the Virtual Assistants who have been sending me unsolicited email. Unfortunately, I've deleted everything they sent me, but the next time they contact me, I'll be replying and asking if I could please be removed from their mailing lists - especially since I never wanted to be on them in the first place!

Yes, I understand that it's hard to get a new Virtual Assistant business going. The money might be "in the list," but getting that list can be a lot of work!

Buying a mailing list might look like an easy shortcut, but trust me, it probably isn't. When you buy a list, you never know how those names got on there. Much better to build up trust with potential clients and give them a good reason to want to be on your list.

Sure, it's a challenge, but if you wanted easy, you'd back to your office job, not start your own enterprise from scratch!

Here's a really good article about the problems with buying your list. The article isn't about Virtual Assistants, but the concepts still apply.
Your Write Assistant

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Annoying Email Marketing from Virtual Assistants

I'm getting some disturbing emails from Virtual Assistants, and I sincerely hope this isn't the beginning of a trend. My personal email address has magically ended up on a few Virtual Assistants' email lists. And when I get these emails, there is no option for me to unsubscribe myself.

This bothers me a lot - because not only is it annoying - it undermines the credibility many VA's have worked so hard to build for themselves and for their industry. I suspect these particular VA's purchased mailing lists with my email on it, instead of building their own.

If you're going to buy a list, make sure you know how the names got on the list in the first place. Make sure the names on that list actually want your emails.

If you're going to promote your business via email marketing, always tell your recipients how they can unsubscribe from your list, in every email you send out.

A newsletter program like AWeber or Ezine Director will automatically include an unsub link for you. AWeber is very affordable and offers a free trial period. Ezine Director has a free option while you're growing your list. So, there's really no excuse for not including one, and it's quite rude not to.

I regularly outsource work to other Virtual Assistants, and anyone who sends me unwanted email is immediately crossed off my list of possibilities.

Your Write Assistant

Friday, May 16, 2008

Free Article Marketing Coaching for Small Business Moms

Starting next week, May 20, I'm giving free one-on-one coaching sessions to work at home moms who are members of WAHM Articles, but don't have any approved articles in our database.

Here's how it works. Members who don't have any approved articles can send me one question per day from May 20 - 23, 2008. You can ask me your most burning questions about writing or submitting articles, and I'll answer!

You can even ask me to proofread an article you've already written, or give you editing tips on one you're working on right now. How about some help crafting that oh-so-important author's resource box?

If you're not already a member, you can sign up here. But this opportunity is ONLY for work at home moms who don't have any approved articles with us.

Then ask away, one questions per day, May 20 - 23. Send your questions, and your WAHM Articles author name, to contact at

Happy article marketing!

Your Write Assistant

Hire a Ghostwriter to Make Your Website Go Cha-ching

Hire a ghostwriter? You?

But you're a good writer. Besides, is that even legal?

You bet it is - and even the best writers sometimes depend on ghostwriters to help them out.

Below you'll find a few ways a Virtual Assistant can use a ghostwriter, and a Virtual Assistant freebie you won't want to miss out on.

First of all, here's how a VA can use a ghostwriter to generate more revenue from his or her website:

  • To create an eCourse for potential clients
  • To write an eBook that promotes your business
  • To write an eBook you can sell for a profit (when you use a ghostwriter, all the rights are yours, so you can do whatever you want with the results.)
  • To submit articles to directories to drive traffic to your website
  • To outsource some of your overflow
  • To add valuable content to your website so your visitors keep coming back

Today on the WAHM Articles blog I'm giving away free copies of the eBook, Ghostwriters from the Inside Out, and you'll find a valuable discount if you're ready to try a ghostwriter - with minimal risk to you.

The book is totally free - I don't even ask for your email address. The discount is for subscribers of the WA blog only, but it's easy to subscribe (look on the top, right-hand side) and you may unsubscribe at any time. Click here to get your own copy of Ghostwriters from the Inside Out and to find your discount.
Your Write Assistant

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Are You Ready to See Your Name in the News, Instead of Your Competitor's?

I just discovered this membership site created by Shannon Cherry, media and public relations pro. She answers ALL your PR questions and gives her members tips you can't find in books or online. It's really affordable and comes with an amazing guarantee. And if you sign up now, your first month is just 1 cent! Sign up for Penny Pinching Publicity now!

Your Write Assistant

Making Headlines - How to Write Copy that Will Persuade Your Reader

Touching your readers on an emotional level is key to writing copy that sells, or articles or blog posts that get read. This is the tool I use to create headlines and titles that strike an emotional chord with readers: headline analyzer from the Advanced Marketing Institute. It's so handy, and it's free to use!

Your Write Assistant

Saturday, May 10, 2008

How to Get That High-Paying Client for Your Virtual Assistant Business

Gotta love Twitter! That's where I was this morning when one of my Twitter friends Shannon Cherry announced her upcoming free teleclass on the simple secret to building your online empire.

You can get all the details and sign up for free here.

You better believe I'll be there! I FINALLY changed over to a long distance plan that covers the US as well as Canada (where I live), so now I can actually participate in free teleclasses and conference calls without worrying about my phone bill.

Shannon is also the creator of these easy-to-use press release template packs - which I LOVE! They're great for those times when you need to get that news release out, but you don't have a lot of time or money to spend on it.

Your Write Assistant

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Get $1,000s Worth Of One-on-One Internet Marketing Advice -- Just $3.27 For The Next 30 Days ONLY!

Want to turn your floundering website into a profitable -- and RELIABLE -- online income machine?

Let the IMC team of Internet marketing experts eliminate 100% of the guesswork by walking you step-by-step through the entire process!

They'll help you find a hot product idea...

... Build a website that converts casual visitors into eager cash-in-hand buyers...

... And drive swarms of FREE traffic to your site from Google and the other top search engines!

And right now you can get 30 days of their expert advice for just $3.27!

(No, that's not a typo! You can get a full MONTH of expert website consulting for the price of a Starbucks coffee!)

Click here to learn more.

Your Write Assistant

Are You a Web Designer? You Should Be Listed Here

A little while ago I was writing about the importance of listing your new virtual assistant business in directories.

If your provide web design services, you should also think about listing your business in this directory.

Be sure to follow all the submission rules if you want your business to be considered for the directory.

Your Write Assistant

How Writing Articles and Giving Them Away Helps Your Virtual Assistant Business

How can writing articles and giving them away for free help your VA business? Here are a few benefits of article marketing:

  • establishes you as an authority in your field by sharing your knowledge
  • a simple way to earn some backlinks from related content by submitting to article directories
  • great way to get recognition for your name and or company name in your field
  • draws your target market to your website looking for exactly what you have
  • a good way to drive free traffic to your blog or webpage
  • a way to get free press and be heard by millions of people every day
  • puts your content on other people's websites and drives traffic right to you
  • a basic approach towards both advertising and link building for your company
  • showcases your expertise

In fact article marketing can be so effective that many of the WAHM Articles authors tell me that writing and submitting articles is the main way (if not the only way) they promote their businesses.

The benefits of article marketing are definitely worth the time and effort it takes to do it well.

Your Write Assistant

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Article Marketing for Virtual Assistants

So, are you ready to get your name and your Virtual Assistant business in front of hundreds (if not thousands) of people who are looking for exactly what you have to offer?

What are you waiting for?

Article marketing is one of the very best ways there is to position yourself as an expert in your field, and earn credibility and visibility for your Virtual Assistant business.

When online business owners talk about article marketing, they're usually referring to writing an article on your area of expertise and then submitting it to various article directories around the Internet.

At the end of each article you write is a short bio that tells who you are, what you do, and includes an active link to your website. This information is included every time someone reprints your article.

The idea behind article marketing is that other website owners will reprint your article in exchange for keeping your bio and the link to your website intact. It’s a win-win situation for the article author and the publisher. The publisher gets great content, and you, the author, get more exposure for your website.

To be effective, your article needs to be highly informative and relevant to your target market. Give your readers the information they're looking for, otherwise you'll be wasting everyone's time. Supply real answers to your market's burning questions – but don't give away all your tips and secrets! At the end of the article, you want to leave your reader wanting more so she'll gladly click the link in your bio to get it.

If you don't have time to write articles, or if you just don't like writing, you can always hire a ghostwriter to write articles for you. Outsourcing your writing is a very common and completely legitimate practice for small (and big) business owners. If you're thinking about working with a ghostwriter, you can see my writing services on WAHM Articles.

Once you have your article in hand, article directories are a really good place to begin your article marketing campaign. Most directories have frequent visitors who are always looking for new, quality content. As well, the article directory owner will market her directory, and your articles along with it.

But, article marketing isn't limited to submitting articles to directories. In fact, investing a little more energy and creativity in your article marketing can get you even better results.

Article Marketing Begins at Home. Your article marketing strategy should include publishing your articles on your own website for your visitors to find. New visitors will come back regularly if they know you consistently provide updated, useful content. With each visit, the chance that they will become customers increases. Sending out your new articles to your opt-in list is another form of article marketing.

Niche Directories. Instead of submitting your next article to all the article directories you can find, look for niche directories that would attract your target market. For example, if your target market includes small business moms, submit them to directories that specialize in topics of interest to moms, like WAHM Articles. Doing this little bit of research will increase the likelihood of your target market finding and reading your articles.

Offer Exclusive Articles. When you find one of your articles reprinted on a site that's popular with your target market, contact the publisher and see if you could write an article for them that you wouldn't publish anywhere else. Most publishers love original content when they can get it, and will usually give your article prominent placement in return for writing an article just for their site.

Take it Offline. Article marketing isn't limited to online publishers. Look for local print publications that would appeal to your target market. Contact the publishers to see if they would like to publish one of your articles in return for including your by-line.

Don't limit yourself to just one form of article marketing for your home business. Every business and every target market is different. Try to combine a few of the above strategies to see what works best for yours.

Your Write Assistant

How (and Why) You Should Brand Your Virtual Assistant Blog

If you keep a personal blog, it's fine to write about whatever you want. If your blog is intended to promote your business, you have to keep your audience in mind.

How do you keep your blog appealing to your target market? How can you capture their interest and keep them coming back for more?

The answer lies in "branding" your blog. Develop a distinct flavor for your blog that reflects the character of your business, and positions you as the expert in your field.

Here is an article that you might find helpful when you plan how you can brand your blog.

The Value of Branding Your Blog by Grace Chen

Harnessing the marketing power of your blog is an excellent strategy for growing your business. With the many benefits of blogs, including SEO and developing customer loyalty, even Fortune 500 companies are jumping on the bandwagon. However, utilizing blogs is not as simple as writing articles that optimize your company’s keywords.

Seeing your blog as an extension of your marketing and branding efforts is the key to maximizing the benefits of blogging. Remember, the purpose of your blog is to attract your target customer base – and keep them coming back for more. With that said, there are several strategies you can utilize to maximize the marketing power of your blog.

What does your blog say about your company? Read the rest of the article.

Your Write Assistant

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Keeping Up Your Blog When You Don't Have Time to Blog

So, you have a blog, and you have topics to blog about...

But oftentimes blogs are abandoned because a blogger simply doesn't have time to blog!

You don't have to let that happen to you. :)

Consider outsourcing your blogging to a professional ghostwriter who can mimic your blogging style, and make sure you always have something to say - even when you don't have any time to say it!

If you're looking for a ghostwriter who can do all that, I can help you out. Come visit me at WAHM Articles, and let me know just what it is you need.

Your Write Assistant

Blog Topics- What to Say When You Have Nothing to Say

by Vicki Arnold

Even the most passionate of bloggers have moments of writer’s block. There is no need to fret or, worse, abandon your blog when these moments strike. Having a list of back-up topics will keep you going. And, the good news is this applies across many topics or niches. These are general posts that you can tailor specifically to your blog.

When In Doubt, Get Personal

One of the strengths of great bloggers is the ability to connect directly with their readers. Their readers feel as if the writer is speaking directly to them, even if the blog has hundreds or thousands of readers. Sharing a personal struggle or success lets your reader celebrate or empathize with you. Share the quirks in your personality. There is a balance, though. Your readers probably don’t want to know your bathroom habits.

People Love Lists

They are quick and easy reads. They are a break from traditional writing format. They can be serious or fun. Add value to your lists by providing relevant, quality links.

I Hate to Bring Up the Past, But it Works

Look at your archives and reread some of your work. Find an old post and add some new thoughts in a new post. You may find you completely missed a point or you purposefully left it out for length. You may find that your opinion has changed on the matter. Provide a link to the previous text in your new post so the reader will have no trouble finding the information you are referencing.

This is Just Trivial

Do some quick research to find interesting tidbits about your topic. Create a series of “did you know” facts. Share the foundation of your company. Do you have a touching or funny story about how you started blogging? Share it. These posts tend to be a fun break in the routine of posting.

You can write several of these types of posts well before you need them. Save them as a Draft and use them as needed. Just be sure that all links still work and there is no time sensitive material that needs updating. Oftentimes, these random posts will inspire a “real” post and demolish that writer’s block in no time.

For more ideas on blogging topics, visit the Supplemental Blogging Topics article from Simply Vicki at This article may be reprinted as long as the content remains intact, including the credit and last paragraph.

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Your Write Assistant

Setting up a Virtual Assistant Blog

Have you started blogging yet?

It's becoming more and more common for Virtual Assistants to have blogs. A blog is a tool to help you keep in touch with your clients (and potential clients) so they can see what you're up to, and get to know you a little bit.

Also, a blog can be interactive, and you can dialog with your readers, invite their comments, and respond to their feedback.

If you plan to use your blog to interact with your readers, change your blog settings to accept comments. I once read a blog post by a VA who was wondering why no one was commenting on her blog. I was ready to leave my own comment, but when I tried, I found her blog didn't accept comments!

So, once your blog is set up, make sure you check your settings and that people can actually comment on your blog

Which blogging software is right for you?

That depends on how technically savvy you are, and how dedicated you are to your blog.

Blogger, which this blog runs on, is super-easy to use. You can set up your blogger account and get your blog off and running in about 5 minutes. You can host your blog on the Blogger server as well.

Most of my other blogs are Wordpress, which I actually prefer to Blogger, and are hosted on my own Web servers.

Some other options are Moveable Type and Greymatter. These are both programs you host yourself, which I like because it gives you more control.

I haven't used either of these, however I have been told by people who know that Moveable Type can be difficult to install, but fabulous to use.

Greymatter, "the original opensource weblogging software" has lots of features and pretty easy to install.

There's really no right or wrong choice when it comes to choosing your blogging software. The important thing is, which blogging software will you actually use?

Your Write Assistant

Friday, May 2, 2008

Virtual Assistants Need Vacations Too!

Think your new virtual business will keep you tied down this summer?

Not so! In fact, taking a vacation will re-energize you and make you an even better VA for your clients when you get back.

With the gas prices in Alberta skyrocketing, my family has decided to stay near home this summer, but we still plan on taking some time off and enjoying it together. I'll miss our annual summer trip to Kelowna, BC, but maybe we'll get there a little later this year...

Before you plan a holiday from your VA business, let your clients know well ahead of time when you won't be available, so they can play around your holiday schedule.

Virtual assistants don't get vacation pay, but you can still pay for a nice holiday with a little planning.

Here's an article you might like about how to plan for your vacation this year.

Vacations Are Possible When You Plan For It by Nicole Calhoun

With the spring and summer months right around the corner and summer break right on its heels, most people's thoughts turn toward vacation! My family is no different. In fact, we've been planning all of our vacation time for the past twelve months.

Our goal is to take three trips a year. Two short ones; maybe a weekend trip to another city in our state or a bordering state. And one nice, relaxing, long trip that we have to pack our bags and head for the airport for that lasts seven to ten indulgent days!

For example, about the time our son's April birthday rolls around, we plan a weekend trip somewhere in our state. His favorite is always San Antonio because he likes to visit the theme parks and gorgeous Riverwalk that they have there. Since we live in Dallas, it's less than a four hour drive; and it's usually the precursor to kicking off our year of getting away.

This year, the longer trip will be in the summertime, a week after school is out. We are planning a vacation to Florida to visit Walt Disney World. We will be gone for ten glorious days for fun in the sun.

And then, in October, my husband and I are planning a three to four day getaway to celebrate our anniversary in beautiful Mexico. And that will give us our three getaways for the year! It's as simple as that.

Now, we haven't always been able to do this. Why? Because of poor planning on our part. But, that is no longer the case. We've wised up, and if you haven't been getting away for a little rest and relaxation because of the same problem, here's how you can guarantee that will not be the case next year...or the year after that - forever!

My husband, Muri, and I have created what we call a "Battery Recharge" account, or in regular terms, a travel account. All monies that go into it ensure that we'll be able to get away with our ten-year old son, Jordan, or for a romantic weekend on our own!

Have a family discussion and decide where each of you would like to go. Narrow it down, and vote on three locations. One that's far away and two that are within a reasonable driving distance.

Once you've done that, do your research. There are a number of online resources. Thanks to technology, finding attractions in the city of your destination is no more than a click away! You can build an itinerary of what your family will do, as well as get the costs of each show or attraction you'd like to attend.

Then, one-by-one, you begin to fund your "Battery Recharge" account until you have the money to do each trip! What's so great about the two short trips, most can be done for less than five hundred dollars. The key is not extravagance. It's just getting away with your family to bond and re-energize yourself.

You work hard, everyday. Take some time to enjoy the fruits of your labor with the ones you love and cherish. Your mental, physical and relational well-being will be all the better for it!

Happy vacationing!

Nicole enjoys spending time with her son, Jordan and her husband, Muri. She loves to write, read, travel, working from home and making new friends. If you would like to spend more time with your love ones please contact Nicole.

Your Write Assistant

Virtual Assistant Tools at Discounted Prices

You're only as good as your tools, right?

You know you need the very best, but if your business is just starting out, you probably don't have any extra cash to invest in more software.

I just found a site that sells Adobe products at majorly discounted prices.

Hmmm, think it might be time to go shopping!

Your Write Assistant

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