When I first began dreaming of my Virtual Assistant business, I had a mental picture of what my days would look like.
- Calm and controlled
- Moving smoothly from task to task
- Regular breaks for tea, lunch, and walking the dog.
Apparently, I forgot I have two kids that we teach at home.
"What does a real Virtual Assistant's day look like?" is a question I commonly hear others ask. And it's a fair question. They want to know what they're getting into, what they can expect.
But as many times as you ask that question, and as many different people as you ask, that's not the question you really want answered, is it?
Aren't you really wondering, "What will MY day look like, when I'm a Virtual Assistant?"
You can do all the background research you want, but ultimately, YOU decide what your day as a Virtual Assistant will look like.
You decide how your day looks when you select which services to offer, how you will interact with clients, how you will market yourself, how you'll fit your business around the rest of your life.
In a recent blog interview, I was asked to describe an average day in my Virtual Assistant business. If you want to find out what a day in my life looks like, you can read my answer here.
Not sure if it will help you plan your day, but it's an honest answer!
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