2008 has been quite a rollercoaster year for my Virtual Assistant business! At the beginning of the year, I still considered myself on sabbatical from the VA business I launched in 2005, and I wasn't even sure when I would be ready to return to work.
The end of 2008 finds me with an exciting year behind me.
- I'm involved again as a member and volunteer at VAnetworking.com, the very best place for successful and aspiring VAs online.
- I have amazing new clients, exciting new ideas of what a virtual assistant business can look like, (no more cookie cutter websites and businesses for me!)
- I'm a lot smarter and I have a much better sense of my direction than I did 10 or 11 months ago.
I also began this year with a renewed desire to treat my business like a "real" business. No more playing around and staying in the safe zone. I decided if this was ever going to become the business I want, I would have to be willing to invest real money, make strong commitments. I was ready to take risks - when I made mistakes, I wanted them to be big, but my successes would be even bigger.
This month, I'm taking some time to reflect on what I've done, what worked well, what was a miserable failure, and where I want to be by this time next year.
Over the next several days, I'll be sharing my best and worst moments of 2008 with you here. But before I start spilling all mine, I'd like to ask you about yours!
Here are some of the questions I've been asking myself. How would you answer them? If you'd like to share your answers below, I'd love to read them. I think we can all learn from each others' experiences.
What was your best decision?
What was your biggest mistake?
Best money spent?
Worst time waster?
What do you want to differently in 2009?
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