Here is a nifty way to help your clients get more exposure from content they've already written: Convert it into audio! Courtney Chowing has written an easy to follow procedure for converting written content into audio. While she writes specifically about PLR, this technique can be applied to any written content.
Courtney recommends using Audacity, an open-source software for recording and editing sounds. It's very easy to figure out... even for a non-techie like me... but if you're going to be doing a lot of recording, you should consider investing in a good microphone. This is the one I've been using, and I've been happy with the sound. I just position the microphone a bit below my mouth when I talk so I don't sound like Darth Vader. Although... that would probably impress the kids.
Convert Your PLR into Audio by Courtney Chowning
When purchasing PLR, or private label rights, content you are not limited to just using that content for writing purposes. You can use it for audio as well. By recording the PLR content you can offer your readers something new and really catch their attention.
To record your PLR content all you need is a PLR article, computer microphone, and the free program Audacity. Audacity will allow you to record and edit your audio file. Before you start recording your audio file you should practice a couple times. You don't want to sound like you are reading from a script. You want your speech to be clear and to sound friendly and welcoming.
The audio you can create can be used in a number of different situations. You can add it to your blog as a blog post, add into an existing podcast, use the audio as your podcast, offer it as a freebie for your mailing list, etc. If you create a series of audio on a particular subject you could even sell the audios as an information product. The list could really go on and on. The point is that by using audio files you can add a new and exciting element to your blog or online business.
Creating audio files is just one example of using PLR content in a form other than writing. You can even use your chosen PLR content in a video. The concept is the same as using the PLR content for an audio but you are recording an image of yourself speaking instead of just your voice.
By re-purposing the PLR content you purchase you are making the most out of the money spent and also adding value to your blog or online business. Purchasing PLR content can help grow your business in more than one way.
Courtney Chowning is a Christian entrepreneur who runs a Christian PLR site and affiliate program, She also blogs at about putting God first in your blog and online business.
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