Monday, December 21, 2009

Meeting Goals for Your Virtual Assistant Business in 2010

It's the time of year when everyone seems to be setting their goals for the new year. That's a great idea, but when you're setting new goals, remember you also need a plan that will help you reach those goals. Here are some tips from Sophia McIntyre to get you on your way:

4 Pointers To Reach Short-Term Work Goals by S McIntyre

Setting short-term work goals is important to each of us whether you're an adult or a child. Without setting attainable goals it's hard to be motivated each and every day. It's natural for people to want to feel a sense of accomplishment. It makes us feel good and it makes us feel like we've contributed.

How we reach those short-term goals rely on these four key tips.

The first thing to decide on is what is your goal? Be realistic when you set it, but make sure it's not too easy that your goal is not challenging enough. Let's say your goal is to write X amount of articles by the end of the year. It's easy to say to yourself you're going to write this many articles, but really who's going to push you and motivate you when you're stuck?

If you belong to a networking group, a writing group or you're a member of a work at home forum then publicly announce your short-term goals. Don't just announce it to anyone, but someone you know and who will hold you accountable. They will also be the ones checking on your progress, keeping you on track, offering you support and encouragement.

There are so many things that can distract us daily. From kids to surfing the Internet we're surrounded by distractions. Some distractions are beyond our control so there's nothing we can do about those, but go with the flow. The other distractions we have control over and we need to put those in their proper places.

Get your emails and phone calls out of the way before you start writing. People with young kids are a bit disadvantaged that they have to work around their child's schedule, but parents have learned long ago how to multitask and make the best of their time. If you can only write in 15 minutes increments that is better than not writing at all.

Putting your full focus on your goal writing task around the same time each day and knowing what topics you're going to write about makes a huge difference. If you're losing focus, remember the reason you set your goal in the first place.

If you're stuck in your writing and you're doing some other task, it means it's time for a break. Taking 10 minutes and focusing on a no-brainer task will re-energize your mind.

Many people set goals, but often set them aside and save them for tomorrow, but there's no tomorrow. When you've prepared, defined and organized your goals, the next step is taking action. Just do it!

It's the sweetest deal on what you've set out to do. We've learned from a young age that positive reinforcement encourages us to challenge ourselves and set higher goals. Whatever your reward is it's well-deserved.

These four key tips can help you reach your short-term goals. Remember focus and execution are two of the most important things to do in achieving your goals.

S McIntyre is the founder of, a free work at home resource focusing on work at home companies, daily telecommute job leads, articles, business resources and other work at home related topics. If you need help in setting short-term goals or need work at home support, register for free on Sophia's forum.

Sophia co-owns, a comprehensive work at home business resource focusing on helping others who are looking for opportunities and ideas to work from home. You will also find tips and articles on how to balance work, family and play in your daily life.

Article Source:

Your Write Assistant


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reet said...

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Peter Von Zipper said...

love the part where i get a "REWARD"... virtual assistants definitely need to get rewarded as long as they are able to meet their client's goals...

great post by the way...

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Really well written post. It is quite encouraging for all virtual assistant firms.

Red @ Virtual Assistant Business Philippines said...

Nice article. This is really interesting. Setting goals is always a good thing and very important. Keep sharing and more power.

More success,
Red @ Virtual Assistant Business Philippines

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