Monday, September 24, 2007

Free Publicity for Your Virtual Assistant Business

When I officially became a virtual assistant in 2005, virtual assistance was virtually unheard of. In fact, when I told a friend about my new business, she asked me, "Is that just something you made up?" Others, though not so outspoken as she, had similar responses, like

"What's a virtual assistant?"

"Can you really make a living doing that?"

"Is that a real job?"

Today, instead of "What's a virtual assistant?" the more common question is "Who's your virtual assistant?"

This change is due in part to media coverage, such as a story at ABC News today called, Being a Virtual Assistant Offers Women Flexibility.

If you're a virtual assistant, you can leave a comment to let others know more about your business and the virtual assistant industry.

If you would like to tell the ABC News editors more facts about the story, you're invited to send them a separate email. It's a wonderful publicity opportunity for your virtual assistant business.

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