Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Adventures with Google Analytics

A few days ago, I noticed the stats for my article directory weren't displaying in cpanel. According to Awstats, I had exactly ZERO visitors, which I knew wasn't right, since article submissions and my Google AdSense earnings were booming!

So, I sent an email to my hosting company (who, by the way, is the BEST there is ). Anyways, Jodi from GoGreen quickly responded to my inquiry and told me she would check it out, but in the meantime, had I tried using Google Anaytics?

It was, she assured me, far superior to anything GoGreen offered with their hosting package (I told you they were awesome!). Plus, it was easy to use.

Now, when a tech person like Jodi tells me something is "easy to use," I usually respond with, "Uh huh," and look for someone I can outsource it to. I'm good with words, not with the mechanisms that make things run.

GoGreen got my Awstats problem fixed ASAP, but in the meantime I did check out Google Analytics. The complexity of Google Sitemaps kind of put me off of trying anything else new that Google came up with (if you're thinking, "But Google Sitemaps aren't complicated," you've got a clear picture of my technical comfort zone).

However, this time, the techie was right. Google Analytics really is easy to use. (And if I'm telling you that, you can know it's true!)

I've only had it up a few days, and I'm already seeing more detailed results than any other stats program I've tried. Try it out for yourself here.

Your Write Assistant

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